I originally envisioned spending a few months studying and diving into ancient music. However, after spending the last month going through what I could find for ancient music, I have discovered that there isn’t that much concrete music to listen to and study. While there are lots and lots of recordings out there to listen to, most of the artists that are creating content for listening are actually just imitating or creating music in the style of ancient music. This means that while the music sounds ancient, it’s actually contemporary or modern. Because of this, I’ve decided that I’m going to begin to move on to a genre and time period that has a little bit more available to listen to. This does not mean that I will not return to ancient music if I discover a different route or way to access ancient music to connect my journey with. It does mean that , for now, I am now going to move on to music that comes from a time where the origin can be traced and I know that it will be authentic to the period I am exploring.
I believe that Medieval music will be a good place to start. Now, off to listen!